Joseph Colen york Factory Journal
Sept. 4 1787
"Edw Wishart, Hugh Lisk, James Davey & John Harper set off with a packet for Mr. Tomison & with trading Goods for the Inland Settlements. Entered on yout Books Robert Tennant Sailor, Alex Flett Taylor, William Lutit, Hawkrow Smith, Robert Garton, James Murray & Peter Brafs Labourers. also John Taylor Labourer for Severn and James Sutherland Sailor"...
1M160 B.239/a/87

Oct. 22 1787
..." the Hunters sent word that game of all kinds are scarce but that White Bears are so numerous & troublesome as to attack them & their Stage where their provisions is deposited & that one of the men had nearly been destroyed by them"...
1M160 B.239/a/87

Humphrey Marten York Factory Journal
Oct. 10 1785
"It ever gives me concern to complain to your Honours of the misbehaviour of your Servants, but, there is a time when Silence is criminal and I think that time is now arrived by the Insolent and undutiful Behaviour of Mr. ALFRED ROBINSON who against repeated admonitions is too frequently giving the Indians Brandy and trading Curiousitys as he calls them with the Indians, when I Declared my Intention to put a stop to all private Trading, even to the least Article, For fear it might lead to a greater, he swore by God that if I hindered him from keeping a woman Not an Indian should come into my Room he said he did not like such tyrannical doings that it gave me pleasure to hear informations against him and that what Captain Christopher told him he finds too true viz. that I am a Tyrannical over bearing man. Indeed by the whole tenor of his behaviour I believe he wants to provoke me to strike him. he hath generally refused to acquaint me of what persons were rendered incapable of duty by sicknefs etc. and this morning made a false report of George Gun and Gilbert Duncan being unfit for duty when soon after I found the latter a Sled making and the former petitioned to go to the Woods; to day he hath used the most irritating and abusive words before the lowest of your Honors Servants which must be destructive to all proper Subordination and tho desired in the most ardent manner by Mefs Ballenden and Colen to ask pardon who told him they thought him greatly to blame, he still persisted at the Table to call me an overbearing man that he would have his hearing having as many Friends at the board as I have, On which as I have more than once before done I call'd him an Insolent Morosed Ignorant puppy and strictly charged him to beware of giving the Indians Brandy or having any dealing with them for any thing he might think proper to call Curiousitys. his Answer to this was in a high strain of Defiance and we parted with mutual Anger and with great threats to lay the affair before your Honours."
1M160 B.239/a/86

A note on Scurvy

Joseph Colen at York
Apr. 22 1789
..." And It is almost impofsible to describe the Malady that rages amongst us which is attended with a kind of putrifaction, the Teeth loosen the Gums swell, a quantity of loose dark flesh is cut off daily from the afflicted before they can take any kind of Subsistance. The Patients Legs swell which are much discoloured they are disabled and contracted in their Limbs as to render them objects of Comifseration - Their breath is so offensive as to be almost unbearable, and a lownefs of spirits attends the whole afflicted which if it should prove fatal to anyone & I am apprehensive a great mortality would ensue & notwithstanding all our care and exertions."
1M160 B.239/a/89

Joseph Colen York Factory Journal
July 23 1789
" Twenty-two Englishmen 2 Canadians & 3 Indians set off in 8 large Canoes with Trading Goods for the Inland Settlements"

"Edward Wishart
William Sabbiston
James Flett Sen.

James Morrowick
Nicol Allan
James Murry

Alex Corrigal
James Batt
John Strickler

Gilbert Laughton
Robert Garrock
Peter Brown

Magnus Spence
Peter Sabbeston
James Linklater

Hugh Lisk
John Irvine Jun.
John Flett

Andrew Davey
James Davey
George Short

Antony Godda
John Groat
Alex Flett"
1M160 B.239/a/89

Joseph Colen York Factory Journal
Dec. 31 1789
" Provisions procured since the departure of the ship, say from the 1st September viz.
388 made Geese (ie. Geese and Ducks)
426 lbs of dryed Venison
1636 lbs of Fish
142 lbs of Beaver and porcupine flesh
40 lbs of Fatt
308 Rabbitts
1036 Partridges
For the whole only 30 26/57 days allowance for 57 men"
1M160 B.239/a/90
